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I've tried to looking at the opposites in the pictures - Full/Empty, Large/Small, Square/Circle (or Green/Orange), but I can't seem to find the connection that gives me the solution.

I’m in the same boat. Bit of a head scratcher. 

🤔 here too!

Hint 1

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Hint 2

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Sorry for being misleading with my hint.

IrishSalty put it way better.

I only got it because of your hint Igel_in_Seenot!

Kind of you to mention that 🙂

As there is no thread for OT-stuff, I just want to say here (shortly) how much fun all this riddling and solving in this small but kind community is.

I really have a good time with this book (and this forum) and appreciate all those hints and gentle nudges towards the correct answers.

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