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Any hints would be appreciated


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You're not barking up the wrong tree!

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Mathew Radd has reacted to this post.
Mathew Radd

Aaaaaaaah got it, thanks.

Every page I overthink 😂

Is there something I'm missing?  How do I know if I've found the right answer?

You check you answer in the departments section of the website. Go to the departments page, choose "Market square" and then choose page 15 and enter your answer. If your answer is correct you will get a key word, that you can write in the back of your catalogue. If you answer is wrong, then the page will tell you to try again.

Mathew Radd has reacted to this post.
Mathew Radd

This one just isn't clicking for us. Any other hints?

Quote from Shells01 on 19 June 2020, 9:44 pm

This one just isn't clicking for us. Any other hints?

We've just solved it. It's obvious now and thought we'd tried the answer. Good luck everyone.

Found this one very easy, and was able to move on. However, I found the text backwards of no real relevance? Am I missing something? 

The first one we struggled with! Got it in the end.

We're really stuck on this and feel it should be easy! Any tips? Trying to think of bird-related words and not getting anywhere. 

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