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January acct number and sort code

Ok so new to Flatpak, but not new to the genre - figured out Jan’s country and alias, but stuck on the other two. We see the prime numbers but cannot get them to work - any tips? Thanks!

I have country and sort code, but not alias or account number.

With the sort code, if you have already spotted the prime numbers, you just want to look at that "prime" button, and then follow what it says.

Tips for alias? I think I've got half of it, but am drawing a blank for the other half. Thanks!

Sort code: You are looking for

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. Start where
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. Can you find a direction.

If you start at the button,

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. Step
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to find the next. Consider 3 days.

Account: What happened in Kobe and LA on the 17 January. Same

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The events shook our world

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I cannot get the alias for the life of me. I've tried various things and since I don't know how to hide them with spoiler tags I'd really like a hint please. Thank you!